Forum notifications

SA-CNC Club Forums SA-CNC Forum notifications

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  • #6135

    Hi Admin,
    Is it possible to have a feature on the forum to get email notifications of postings (new topics) in the forum. This may be a opt in on the account setup? If there is such a feature, did I miss it? I know we all get a lot of email, but I belief this will help build consiousness for the website. Espesially while there is not a lot of traffic on the site / forum. You have my permission to default such a setting to ON for everybody. We can come switch it off if it becomes too much. 😉 easier to say sorry than ask permission.

    I understand there is the tick box below to be notified about follow ups to your own posts. I want to be notified when there is a new topic posted. Also when there is a new blog post.

    And by the way, heart fealt appreciation for your work on the website. I know it is a LOT of work and I simply want to take the opportunity to thank you for a well constructed, good looking website.

    Johan Hartman


    Hi Johan

    I have just also looked at that.. let me check it out and get back to you.


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